Monday, July 14, 2008

Standing Alone

In the spring of 2007, I received a series of visions of women creating peace. The following occurred during a group meditation.

At night, in a trim suburban neighborhood, in each front yard along a street, a woman stands alone. Each woman stiffly faces the street, her house behind her. On both sides of the street, for blocks, woman after woman after woman, one stands in each yard. The women could see each other if they looked, but they don’t; they stand silently, staring straight ahead or with heads bent, lost in a great, devastating grief.

All of a sudden, lively columns of light—bright, colorful, igniting, shimmering, a cross between fireworks and the northern lights—begin to descend from the night sky. One by one, each column finds its way to one of the women and slips over her. The women look up and around with wonder at these fantastic columns, extending their hands to touch it, watching the light dance off their skin. Slow smiles come to their faces as each woman discovers her neighbor, encased in her own enchanting column of light. Their eyes meet and their smiles widen. Each woman in her column begins to joyfully twirl and spin. Once all of the women are spinning, the columns gravitate toward each other and merge into one great column, one great gathering. The beauty of the light is astounding, the brilliance of the smiles astonishing! The women are no longer alone and in pain but merged as collective joy.

There will be a global cleansing of tears, I was told. As each woman hears the message of her part in the global transformation and understands the implications of leaving the old ways behind—what can appear as “sacrifice”she will cry. Masses of women will begin crying when they face this understanding. And these tears, this mass crying, will cleanse the Mother Earth and perform a restorative, healing function. This in turn, will bring back the remembrance of a joy that has long been forgotten. A joy stored so deeply in the heart that it was as lost—the sacred joy of the Great Mother.

Our Collective Work Begins

In a group meditation, I asked how I may serve the Sacred Feminine. The following was shown to me.

I saw two women on a tandem bicycle. They were wearing simple white robes belted at the waist--the daily, working garb of a priestess or guardian. The women pedaled along until they arrived at their destination, which was a vortex of two great spiraling, intertwining columns of white light ascending into the heavens. They got off their bicycle and parked it neatly. Then, with a certain and purposeful stride, they walked directly into the center of the vortexes. Each stood still and expectant, surrounded by the spiraling beams of light, and simply allowed herself to float up within the column into the night heavens. There they hovered, watching over the Earth.

The scene was suddenly interrupted, and I saw myself going through a fast-food drive-thru. When I ordered, pictures in cartoon dialog bubbles appeared rather than spoken words. First a bubble with one soft drink appeared, then a bubble with a hamburger, and lastly, a bubble with a book! Although it seemed a strange combination, I comprehended the meaning of the pictures immediately. I understood that I would never again order only one of each item. From this point on, I, or we (you and I), will always order two or more because we will be "feeding" more than ourselves. In other words, what we do, we do for the world. We are to work in pairs and groups now. Being concerned with individual needs and concerns is the old way; the cosmic shift that is bringing about the return of the Sacred Feminine is propelling us into the collective heart and mind. We are ushering in the age of the collective—a collaborative model of peace, harmony, and balance. It is time for this that is written in the cosmic records to manifest.

Then I suddenly returned to the scene of the two women, seeing them still hovering in the heavens above the Earth. I heard the word “over-soul” and began to receive instructions from them. The first was that we are now to work with the “over-souls.” (I had heard of this word, but wasn’t sure of its exact meaning at the time--see note below.) From now on, we will be much more aware of the separation between our soul and our body; we will be working directly on the soul level rather than at the physical or even psychic level. Communication will be coming in directly through our crown chakras, not as much through our third eye or solar plexus or any other of our “filters” (eyes, ears, mind, etc.) anymore. It is time for us to give up these filters into the cosmos. To do this, we can meditate, lying flat on our backs with our legs spread slightly apart and our arms at 30 to 40 degree angles from our bodies. During the meditation, we must willingly release these filters, or senses, to the One. We will feel a drawing out and tingling sensation when this happens. (I was instructed to lay down after the meditation and experience it.)

They confirmed my understanding that group meditations are becoming more powerful and individual meditations less. I was told that it is important to meditate as a collective; however, it is no longer always necessary to be together physically or even connected by phone. We can agree on a specific time to meditate and at that time, as we sit individually, we can speak each woman’s name aloud, which will create a connection with each other. We have reached the point where we have the ability to do this and will feel a palpable connection with the others when we do so.

Then I saw the two women riding their tandem bike down a road and others joining them as they traveled along. The instructions came that we are to "go on the road" spreading the message of the great transformation time of the Mother Earth, the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine. Our work has accelerated the transformative energies faster than anticipated. Because of our commitment, love, and power, we have created a portal of opportunity to bring an even greater than expected smoothing or gentling of the global shift, the rebirthing. However, we must jump now at this opportunity and commit even more deeply. Our time of preparation as vessels of peace has finished sooner than expected. Practice is over; the work begins!

Note from Wikipedia: "...The term "Over-soul" is understood as the collective indivisible Soul, of which all individual souls or identities are included. The experience of this underlying reality of the indivisible "I am" state of the Over-soul is said to be veiled from the human mind by sanskaras, or impressions, acquired over the course of evolution and reincarnation....Thus the world, as apperceived through the impressions of the past appears plural, while reality experienced in the present, unencumbered by past impressions (the unconditioned or liberated mind), perceives itself as the One indivisible totality."

Friday, July 4, 2008

White Buffalo Woman Speaks 4

I received the following message from White Buffalo Calf Woman on December 21, 2006. It was dire and very startling in contrast to her previous messages. This may explain why the two Marys--Mother Mary and the Magdalene--appeared to me first, infusing my being with their great, flowing love. They reminded me that I had chosen to come into the world at this time to help show the way to reawakening--for women especially. Then WBCW appeared and spoke:

“Great changes are coming. It is time to awaken. You are the ones to make a difference. With each thought, you create peace. With each breath, you birth peace. Start now. Be conscious of your thoughts and feelings and direct them to peace. You are the ones who can heal the Great Mother and all beings upon her. The Mother Earth is a spirit; she is an energy, a being. She has been alternately abused and neglected and is dying.You can change that. You must. You can change the dynamics of the government, the leadership.

Great upheaval is coming: floods, drought, famine, and much time without electricity. Computers will be useless much of the time. People will lose their homes. There will be widespread hunger and starvation. More people will cultivate gardens to grow their own food. This area (Sonoma County, CA) will suffer damage, but not as much as other areas of North America. There will be fighting in this country. You, daughter, will be helping women through this time--giving them shelter in your home, feeding and healing them.

WBCW then explained that the recent double rainbow and sun dogs visible over Washington DC and the lightening-strike death of the new white buffalo calf (Miracle's Second Chance, d. 11/2006) were dramatic ways of drawing humankind’s attention. The Spirit world is trying to wake us up with a foreshadowing of what’s to come in this time of great transition.

White Buffalo Woman Speaks 3

I am as a corn bloom in the sun
Rooted in the Earth
Atop a strong and upright stalk
I bend softly in the breeze
I turn to the sun, I bask
I turn again to the world,
I radiate

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

White Buffalo Woman Speaks 2

White Buffalo Calf Woman presented this second message in May 2006 as I was sitting in circle with others:
"This is a sacred circle. The work you do is sacred and blessed by the Great Mother and the Great Father. In this time of new sun, you are planting seeds of peace across the Great Mother. For it is time. You plant a seed of peace with every step you take, with every word, with every encounter of the day. Ingest peace as you do food. You know that the food you eat becomes a part of each and every cell of your body; it is transformed. Do this with peace--let it become a part of your every cell. And from this day forward, you will be known as 'She Who Carries Peace.' Thank you for your service. Blessings."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Speaks 1

White Buffalo Calf Woman first appeared to me in 2006 with a series of messages that she instructed me to send out to my sisters--all women of the world. This is the first one; it is intended for your eyes.

"I am the one of the one of the One. You are the daughter of the daughter of the One. You are the one to bring forth the light. Tell this to all your sisters, for you are the ones to bring it forth.

"My energy is returning to this world. Together we will return the Sacred Feminine energy to its fullness. This fullness will be joy, compassion, love, gentleness, wise use of power, and at times, severity (the moons pass quickly now, and you must journey with the fearlessness of mother bear). Be in your power. Be not afraid to be who you are. Speak with others with knowing.

"I am as the buffalo—once strong and covering the plains of the Mother Earth, then weakened and taken, dying away. But now it is time to return to fullness. As the buffalo multiply, so shall my power. As awareness returns to the people, so shall the Sacred Feminine cover the Earth, the Great Mother Earth!"

In this first message White Buffalo Calf Woman tells us that her energy, the Sacred Feminine, is returning to the Earth. She reminds all women that we are the ones who will create peace and balance on the Earth--through gathering together and through living in the Feminine Principle. (To learn more about WBCW, see my previous post titled "White Buffalo Calf Woman.")

White Buffalo Calf Woman

In March 2006, White Buffalo Calf Woman unexpectedly appeared to me, beginning a series of messages that she instructed me to send out to my sisters--all women of the world. I was astounded and honored to be a vehicle for them. Having been vaguely aware of her legend, I made it my business to learn more after my first encounter with her powerful, fearless energy! A summary and links to more detail follow.

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptesan­Wi) is a legendary holy woman who appeared to the Lakota people 2,000 years ago as a white buffalo calf who turned into a beautiful maiden. She taught them many foundational sacred rituals, such as the sweat lodge, the sun dance, the naming ceremony, and especially the peace pipe ceremony. Seen above is a popular image by ©Rogue Guirey Simpson.

White Buffalo Calf Woman stayed only a short time with the Lakota and told them she would return at the beginning of an age of great peace and harmony. She prophesied that her return would be signaled by the birth of a white buffalo calf that would turn three additional colors in its lifetime—brown, red, and yellow—to signify harmony among the races. Such a calf was born in 1994 in Wisconsin and lived for a decade, turning all four colors. This calf named Miracle (see photo), who lived from 1994 to 2004, was recognized by the Lakota as fulfilling the prophecy.

Since this time, more white buffaloes are being born and people of all walks of life have been receiving signs and messages from White Buffalo Calf Woman of a coming age of peace and harmony. So I was honored when she first appeared to me with the message posted as "White Buffalo Calf Woman Speaks 1"; may it bless you and inspire you to go forth in the truth of who you are during this time of great transition on our beloved Mother Earth.

See these websites for more information about White Buffalo Calf Woman: