Wednesday, July 2, 2008

White Buffalo Calf Woman

In March 2006, White Buffalo Calf Woman unexpectedly appeared to me, beginning a series of messages that she instructed me to send out to my sisters--all women of the world. I was astounded and honored to be a vehicle for them. Having been vaguely aware of her legend, I made it my business to learn more after my first encounter with her powerful, fearless energy! A summary and links to more detail follow.

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptesan­Wi) is a legendary holy woman who appeared to the Lakota people 2,000 years ago as a white buffalo calf who turned into a beautiful maiden. She taught them many foundational sacred rituals, such as the sweat lodge, the sun dance, the naming ceremony, and especially the peace pipe ceremony. Seen above is a popular image by ©Rogue Guirey Simpson.

White Buffalo Calf Woman stayed only a short time with the Lakota and told them she would return at the beginning of an age of great peace and harmony. She prophesied that her return would be signaled by the birth of a white buffalo calf that would turn three additional colors in its lifetime—brown, red, and yellow—to signify harmony among the races. Such a calf was born in 1994 in Wisconsin and lived for a decade, turning all four colors. This calf named Miracle (see photo), who lived from 1994 to 2004, was recognized by the Lakota as fulfilling the prophecy.

Since this time, more white buffaloes are being born and people of all walks of life have been receiving signs and messages from White Buffalo Calf Woman of a coming age of peace and harmony. So I was honored when she first appeared to me with the message posted as "White Buffalo Calf Woman Speaks 1"; may it bless you and inspire you to go forth in the truth of who you are during this time of great transition on our beloved Mother Earth.

See these websites for more information about White Buffalo Calf Woman:

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