Wednesday, July 2, 2008

White Buffalo Calf Woman Speaks 1

White Buffalo Calf Woman first appeared to me in 2006 with a series of messages that she instructed me to send out to my sisters--all women of the world. This is the first one; it is intended for your eyes.

"I am the one of the one of the One. You are the daughter of the daughter of the One. You are the one to bring forth the light. Tell this to all your sisters, for you are the ones to bring it forth.

"My energy is returning to this world. Together we will return the Sacred Feminine energy to its fullness. This fullness will be joy, compassion, love, gentleness, wise use of power, and at times, severity (the moons pass quickly now, and you must journey with the fearlessness of mother bear). Be in your power. Be not afraid to be who you are. Speak with others with knowing.

"I am as the buffalo—once strong and covering the plains of the Mother Earth, then weakened and taken, dying away. But now it is time to return to fullness. As the buffalo multiply, so shall my power. As awareness returns to the people, so shall the Sacred Feminine cover the Earth, the Great Mother Earth!"

In this first message White Buffalo Calf Woman tells us that her energy, the Sacred Feminine, is returning to the Earth. She reminds all women that we are the ones who will create peace and balance on the Earth--through gathering together and through living in the Feminine Principle. (To learn more about WBCW, see my previous post titled "White Buffalo Calf Woman.")

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