Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mother Mountain

In the spring of 2007, I received a series of visions of women creating peace and my role in it. I had this vision while meditating at the foot of Hood Mountain, Sonoma County, California. In the photo you can see the sun shining on the Mother's face. She's lying horizontally with eyes open and her mouth a vertical line. She appears to have a rather sad expression.

As I sat in stillness, the mountain began singing to me:

I am Mother, I am the One
I am Mother, I am the One
I am Mother, I am the One
I am Mother, I am the One

I am ancient, I am grand, I am earth
I am grounding, I am renewal, I am song
I am love, I am serenity, I am power
I lift your cares and concerns to a vibration of creation
I am guardian of this sacred place; I hold the place of peace
I feel your presence; I know you are here
I am here for you

The mother mountain enfolded me and held me in the crook of her arm, like a child. She stroked my hair and brushed it away from my face so she could kiss my cheek as a mother would. She gazed deeply into my eyes with her ancient love. Then she tenderly pulled me into her mountain-womb so that I melded with her, with the mountain. I became as her—ancient, huge, grounded, gentle, and powerful. She then transmitted a darshan of ancient mountain love. She said, “I give you my love so that you may give it to others. You are a beautiful child and you are here to serve.” Then I gently transfused back out of the mountain into my own being.

The mother mountain told me next, “The needs of the world are uncomplicated. People need love; they need to be hugged, as I have just hugged you. It's that simple. No matter what form it seems to take, all that people truly desire is love and touch. The world feels to you as if it is speeding up. It is not so much speeding up as intensifying. People are sensing that a great .awakening, a grand change is to come. And they are terrified. They seek any form of frenzied distraction from this knowing—more and more, bigger and bigger, louder and louder, faster and faster.

"You are here to love them through this change. Offer them love; offer them hugs. Simply this. I ask you to follow the example of the Free Hugs Campaign. Join with friends, go to a public place, and offer hugs to anyone who wants one. They need them. For some it may be the only touch, the only love they receive that day. And when you hug, pass on the darshan of love that I have transmitted to you. Send this love throughout your area and it will flow around the world. Be a blessing in this time of great transition.”

I then saw a vision of a grand master with flowing hair, beard, robe, and staff standing on a large boulder on a beach by the sea—a Moses-like figure. He pounded his staff on the boulder three times and water began issuing from it. It poured from the rock, streamed across the sand and flowed into the sea. The scene seemed familiar, like a biblical story. He said, “This water flows as the shadow of the sea. The mother mountain then interjected, “Hearts will break open like this rock and love will pour forth until it joins with the All, with the One, and love will be the guiding force of the world once again.”

I felt immediate resistance. I thought, How can I do that? How can I just stand in public and offer free hugs? There’s too much chance of feeling a fool, of being rejected. But, perhaps, with a group... I must email the young man who started the Free Hugs Campaign (

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