In a group meditation, I asked how I may serve the Sacred Feminine. The following was shown to me.
I saw two women on a tandem bicycle. They were wearing simple white robes belted at the waist--the daily, working garb of a priestess or guardian. The women pedaled along until they arrived at their destination, which was a vortex of two great spiraling, intertwining columns of white light ascending into the heavens. They got off their bicycle and parked it neatly. Then, with a certain and purposeful stride, they walked directly into the center of the vortexes. Each stood still and expectant, surrounded by the spiraling beams of light, and simply allowed herself to float up within the column into the night heavens. There they hovered, watching over the Earth.
The scene was suddenly interrupted, and I saw myself going through a fast-food drive-thru. When I ordered, pictures in cartoon dialog bubbles appeared rather than spoken words. First a bubble with one soft drink appeared, then a bubble with a hamburger, and lastly, a bubble with a book! Although it seemed a strange combination, I comprehended the meaning of the pictures immediately. I understood that I would never again order only one of each item. From this point on, I, or we (you and I), will always order two or more because we will be "feeding" more than ourselves. In other words, what we do, we do for the world. We are to work in pairs and groups now. Being concerned with individual needs and concerns is the old way; the cosmic shift that is bringing about the return of the Sacred Feminine is propelling us into the collective heart and mind. We are ushering in the age of the collective—a collaborative model of peace, harmony, and balance. It is time for this that is written in the cosmic records to manifest.
Then I suddenly returned to the scene of the two women, seeing them still hovering in the heavens above the Earth. I heard the word “over-soul” and began to receive instructions from them. The first was that we are now to work with the “over-souls.” (I had heard of this word, but wasn’t sure of its exact meaning at the time--see note below.) From now on, we will be much more aware of the separation between our soul and our body; we will be working directly on the soul level rather than at the physical or even psychic level. Communication will be coming in directly through our crown chakras, not as much through our third eye or solar plexus or any other of our “filters” (eyes, ears, mind, etc.) anymore. It is time for us to give up these filters into the cosmos. To do this, we can meditate, lying flat on our backs with our legs spread slightly apart and our arms at 30 to 40 degree angles from our bodies. During the meditation, we must willingly release these filters, or senses, to the One. We will feel a drawing out and tingling sensation when this happens. (I was instructed to lay down after the meditation and experience it.)
They confirmed my understanding that group meditations are becoming more powerful and individual meditations less. I was told that it is important to meditate as a collective; however, it is no longer always necessary to be together physically or even connected by phone. We can agree on a specific time to meditate and at that time, as we sit individually, we can speak each woman’s name aloud, which will create a connection with each other. We have reached the point where we have the ability to do this and will feel a palpable connection with the others when we do so.
Then I saw the two women riding their tandem bike down a road and others joining them as they traveled along. The instructions came that we are to "go on the road" spreading the message of the great transformation time of the Mother Earth, the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine. Our work has accelerated the transformative energies faster than anticipated. Because of our commitment, love, and power, we have created a portal of opportunity to bring an even greater than expected smoothing or gentling of the global shift, the rebirthing. However, we must jump now at this opportunity and commit even more deeply. Our time of preparation as vessels of peace has finished sooner than expected. Practice is over; the work begins!
Note from Wikipedia: "...The term "Over-soul" is understood as the collective indivisible Soul, of which all individual souls or identities are included. The experience of this underlying reality of the indivisible "I am" state of the Over-soul is said to be veiled from the human mind by
sanskaras, or impressions, acquired over the course of evolution and reincarnation....Thus the world, as apperceived through the impressions of the past appears plural, while reality experienced in the present, unencumbered by past impressions (the unconditioned or liberated mind), perceives itself as the One indivisible totality."