Sunday, June 29, 2008

Music of the Heart

In the spring of 2007, I received a series of visions of women creating peace. This was one of the most unusual.

A drop of water falls from the heavens into the ocean, creating a radiating ripple. The ripple turns into a spiral, which gently travels downward into my surprised heart. My heart is then transported from my body to the bottom of the ocean where its roots are planted shallowly in the sand; it is still beating. My heart slowly opens wide and from it arises a green, trumpet-shaped blossom with pointed, iris-like leaves. From my heart, then, another divides and moves perhaps ten feet across the ocean floor, where it shallowly takes root. And from it arises a second green trumpet blossom. Then another heart does the same; the process repeating itself until the line of hearts extends beyond my line of sight. This endless row of beating hearts attracts many small, shiny fish who weave in and out of them. They swim on and on, in and around.

Suddenly, as if planned in advance, sounds burst forth from each trumpet in succession and billow up through the water to the surface, each leaping into the sunny, blue air as wonderful musical notes I have never heard before. They are notes that sound like music of the heavens— so pleasing it instantly creates ecstasy in the soul of the ear upon which it lands. As the notes ring out, little drops fall from them into the water, spiraling down to land around the hearts as pearls. More and more sea creatures feel the call of the hearts. They arrive in brilliant colors, swimming and dancing around the hearts. Fish rush to the surface and leap joyfully from the water to catch the sun’s shimmer on their scales. They dip back down, only to vault to the surface once more.

Next, an ochre-colored cloth appears between the sun and the ocean, floating and billowing in the sky. It casts a wonderful golden-red tone over everything under it. The water turns golden, even the sea creatures look golden—the hearts and trumpet blossoms also. Families come walking along piers that stretch out over the ocean and look at their golden-red arms and laugh. They look up searching for the source of this wonderful color, and spying the cloth, are enchanted. They can see the blue sky peeking around the borders of the cloth and are not afraid. Quickly, another cloth attaches itself to the first, then another attaches to the second, and so on, until the expanse of cloth forms a belt around the globe. It turns around the earth as a Ferris wheel turns on its axis. Everyone is delighted, laughing and motioning to each other as they slip off the edge of the pier in to the water. The sea creatures welcome the people, and the people, especially the children, greet them with delight in return in this scene of playfulness and golden harmony.

Mother Mountain

In the spring of 2007, I received a series of visions of women creating peace and my role in it. I had this vision while meditating at the foot of Hood Mountain, Sonoma County, California. In the photo you can see the sun shining on the Mother's face. She's lying horizontally with eyes open and her mouth a vertical line. She appears to have a rather sad expression.

As I sat in stillness, the mountain began singing to me:

I am Mother, I am the One
I am Mother, I am the One
I am Mother, I am the One
I am Mother, I am the One

I am ancient, I am grand, I am earth
I am grounding, I am renewal, I am song
I am love, I am serenity, I am power
I lift your cares and concerns to a vibration of creation
I am guardian of this sacred place; I hold the place of peace
I feel your presence; I know you are here
I am here for you

The mother mountain enfolded me and held me in the crook of her arm, like a child. She stroked my hair and brushed it away from my face so she could kiss my cheek as a mother would. She gazed deeply into my eyes with her ancient love. Then she tenderly pulled me into her mountain-womb so that I melded with her, with the mountain. I became as her—ancient, huge, grounded, gentle, and powerful. She then transmitted a darshan of ancient mountain love. She said, “I give you my love so that you may give it to others. You are a beautiful child and you are here to serve.” Then I gently transfused back out of the mountain into my own being.

The mother mountain told me next, “The needs of the world are uncomplicated. People need love; they need to be hugged, as I have just hugged you. It's that simple. No matter what form it seems to take, all that people truly desire is love and touch. The world feels to you as if it is speeding up. It is not so much speeding up as intensifying. People are sensing that a great .awakening, a grand change is to come. And they are terrified. They seek any form of frenzied distraction from this knowing—more and more, bigger and bigger, louder and louder, faster and faster.

"You are here to love them through this change. Offer them love; offer them hugs. Simply this. I ask you to follow the example of the Free Hugs Campaign. Join with friends, go to a public place, and offer hugs to anyone who wants one. They need them. For some it may be the only touch, the only love they receive that day. And when you hug, pass on the darshan of love that I have transmitted to you. Send this love throughout your area and it will flow around the world. Be a blessing in this time of great transition.”

I then saw a vision of a grand master with flowing hair, beard, robe, and staff standing on a large boulder on a beach by the sea—a Moses-like figure. He pounded his staff on the boulder three times and water began issuing from it. It poured from the rock, streamed across the sand and flowed into the sea. The scene seemed familiar, like a biblical story. He said, “This water flows as the shadow of the sea. The mother mountain then interjected, “Hearts will break open like this rock and love will pour forth until it joins with the All, with the One, and love will be the guiding force of the world once again.”

I felt immediate resistance. I thought, How can I do that? How can I just stand in public and offer free hugs? There’s too much chance of feeling a fool, of being rejected. But, perhaps, with a group... I must email the young man who started the Free Hugs Campaign (

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Resting in the Heart

In the spring of 2007, I had a series of visions of women creating peace. I share them here so that they might bring you a sense of peace, hope, happiness, and connection with the Sacred Feminine. The following is one of joy.

A large, deep bell begins to ring in an open tower above an old, spacious stone-paved plaza in a European city. Several streets radiate from the plaza, like the spokes of a wheel. The ringing of the bell startles a flock of white doves, which take flight, fluttering up around the ringing bell. They don't leave, but descend into the plaza where a lone woman stands. She laughs familiarly as they come to her. She reaches out her hands to welcome them and they alight on her arms, shoulders, and one simply perches on her head! Some land at her feet, bobbing and cooing around her. She giggles like a child overcome with delight. As if on cue, giggling children begin spilling into the plaza from the radiating streets and surround the woman and the doves. The woman smiles at them. She takes a dove in her hands, kisses it on the back of its head, and releases it into flight. As she does this, a luminous wave of joy bursts forth from the dove and washes over her and the children. As it passes through each child, joy and delight bubble up within them as musical laughter. Giggling, they each lovingly pick up one of the doves and cradle it as they run into the streets from which they came.

They each return to their own neighborhoods where they stand in the middle of the narrow streets, still giggling and laughing with utter joy. The neighborhood women lean out windows and doors, drawn by the laughter. The child looks up at them, then kisses the dove he or she holds on the back of the head, as they have seen the woman do, and releases it. As before, a clear wave of joy bursts forth from the dove and washes over everyone. Now the whole neighborhood erupts in joyful laughter! It ripples through the city as each woman in each neighborhood experiences the depth of joy that bubbles up from her being.

As the laughter settles down into a deep sense of peace and contentment, they each nod to the child in gratitude as the child skips home. The smiling women withdraw into their homes to sit with this new experience, this new sense of joy and deep peace. They are awed at the profundity of it and want assurance that it will endure, not pass away as quickly as it arrived. As they look within themselves, each one is surprised to discover a dove resting in her heart. After a moment, each realizes that, yes, this dove will indeed stay. It is now part of her, and the joy and peace with which it imbues her are hers to pass on to her family, to her friends, and to the world.

Peace Blooms in the Desert

In the spring of 2007, I had a series of visions of women creating peace. I share them here so that they might bring you a sense of peace, hope, happiness, and connection with the Sacred Feminine. I received the following one on the vernal equinox.

I am among hundreds of women in a large tent whose loose flaps are rustled by a gentle breeze. There are several more tents with just as many women in each of them. There are a handful of men present inside, along the perimeter of each tent. We are in a desert area. The land is barren, dry, and hard packed. A narrow stream trickles a short distance from the tents. The sun is bright but not sweltering; coming through the tan tent, it casts a golden glow on everything. We are clothed in light, flowing garments, and some wear mantles. We sit upon lush carpets on the ground. We are holding a lively discussion of ideas. We have spent the day meditating, praying, singing, chanting, discussing, and listening to various speakers. We are many, but we are one. The illusion of separation is amazingly absent. It is merely a memory; we are intimately and sacredly part of the All That Is. There is much mental and heart energy swirling in this centered space.

All at once, the groups in each tent are spontaneously drawn to the sides of the tent. We lift the f1aps and gaze out at the barren land and the ribbon of stream forcing a way through it. Suddenly, white cactus flowers begin popping up along each side of the stream! They appear one by one, springing up from the hard-packed earth where there had been nothing and continue to spread out from the stream. We are amazed! Then bushes every shade of green start sprouting up between the flowers. Everywhere—pop, pop, pop—one after another! We can hardly believe our eyes as, next, slim tree trunks shoot straight up through the soil with branches leafing out into full maturity, bearing fruit, creating a canopy that filters the bright light of the sun into gentle rays.

We are in awe! What begins as a giggle grows into outright laughter. We know that we have created this with our thoughts and feelings and activities of the day, of many days. It is a manifestation of our love and delight! We rush out of the tent into the shaded grove laughing, dancing, and falling into the arms of the women from the other tents. We are ecstatic! The grove extends everywhere. The shade feels wonderful. New life has begun!

Children come from nowhere and begin running delightedly through the grove. Their laughter thrills us! They jump to pull fruit from the trees, but they cannot reach it. Then the men come. They slowly enter the grove, looking around in amazement at what has been created. We come to welcome them, but stand together to block their way. We lovingly but firmly establish the law before we will let them pass. We tell them, "There is peace and harmony and abundance in this place. Anyone who lives here will honor and serve this creation. There will be no competition, only loving collaboration. There will be no building of permanent structures, no divisions of property." They seem stunned by it all. Some men readily agree and come forward. Others immediately turn their backs and leave the grove. They do not want this life. On other men's faces we see the struggle of the decision. Most of them come forward; some do not. Those who leave are blessed on their way. Those who come forward are embraced in welcome and laughter. They are joined with us. These men then reach for the enchanted children weaving among us, joyfully hoisting them onto their shoulders so that they may pick the fruit of the trees of creation.

Sacred Circle-Net of Light

In the spring of 2007, I had a series of visions of women creating peace. The visions came during individual and group meditation. They unfolded as if I were watching a movie, yet present in them somehow. They were stunningly beautiful, very moving, and sometimes puzzling. In the descriptions and illustrations here, I have attempted to convey the beauty and the power of the scenes that unfolded before my eyes.

I believe these visions are important for all of us to experience, and each in our own way, so I share them without interpretation. I suggest you read a vision, and then sit quietly with it for a few minutes to see what arises for you. I welcome your comments and questions!

The following was one of the first and most powerful for me.

In a Vessels of Peace meditation (, the facilitator asked us to meditate on the VoP Vessel (see image ©Vessels of Peace) and on areas of the world to which we were drawn where women needed support. During the silent meditation that followed, I experienced a vividly detailed, moving vision of peace.

I saw that we were a great, sacred circle of women holding hands in numbers that encircled the entire globe. It was a joining of many sacred circles. The Vessel of Peace stood at the center of the great circle, rising above us and glowing golden white. In unison, all the women in the great circle began walking toward the Vessel, still holding hands. As each woman reached the Vessel, she walked effortlessly through its filigree shell into its core of light. One by one all merged with it and became the Vessel. We rested in that Oneness, deliciously soaking up the light—the peace, love, and joy contained within it.

In time, we emerged from the Vessel and encircled it once again. We reverently raised our hands to the Heavens in recognition of Divine Oneness and the Sacred Feminine. When we lowered our hands, we found that the edge of a great, weightless net had been placed in them. We already knew what it was and what to do with it. We began walking, walking, spreading out, pulling this great net of peace and healing over the globe. As we pulled the net, some sections of the circle stopped in specific places that needed more intense peace work, and where women were not yet able to join the sacred circle.

Eventually, we all came back together at the opposite side of the globe, having completely encircled Mother Earth with the great net. However, rather than stopping, we continued on back to the Vessel, overlapping our journey and creating a double layer of netting. Again, as we each reached the Vessel, we merged into it. As the last woman merged with the Vessel, however, it shattered! Only golden white light in the shape of the Vessel remained. And this light was us; we were the light.

At once, all of us, as light, leapt into the net! The light began shooting along the cords of the net, streaming through every fiber until the net virtually pulsed with light. Where the cords intersected, the pulsing and the brightness were amplified. And the light was pulsing peace. It was healing Mother Earth.

Slowly I became aware of the same pulsing filling my body. At first my whole body pulsed, then the pulsing became my heartbeat. And I knew in that moment that my heart was beating in exact unison with each woman in the meditation circle, with every woman in the vision, and with everyone in the world. I remembered that we are truly One.


After I received the vision, it seemed everywhere I turned I found more information about a great web/net of light we're creating around the globe. For a lovely illustration of the net, visit Sai Maa also speaks of it in a guided meditation. In his book Working with Oneness, Sufi mystic Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee goes so far as to say the Internet, or the World Wide Web, is a physical manifestation of it (


Let me introduce myself and the purpose of this blog. My name is Beth and my life purpose is to be an agent of the return of the Sacred Feminine. So, here you'll find perspectives on the Sacred Feminine--also called the Feminine Principle, Lunar Principle, or Goddess Tradition--what it is, its role on this planet and everyday life in creating peace, why is it returning, and when was it ever here to begin with!

The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine is in all of us. These terms refer to the highest and most loving form of feminine and masculine attributes. The forms of these attributes that come from the Divine within us. Some refer to them as Solar and Lunar Principles, in an effort to remove any charged gender issues. Typically, with the Sacred Masculine or Solar Principal, we associate linear thinking, physical strength, competition, and aggression (think fight or flight). With the Sacred Feminine, we typically associate relational thinking, intuition, compassion, and collaboration (think tend and befriend). No matter what gender we are, we each have aspects of all of these attributes.

For the past 5,000 years the Masculine Principle, or androcratic culture, has governed this planet. Prior to this time, it is widely-accepted that the Feminine Principle, or goddess-centered culture, governed most of civilization. This matristic civilization valued collaboration, art, beauty, peace, and economic equality. (Minoan Crete is one of the last known examples.) As a result, they developed few weapons. So, as archeologist Marija Gimbutas first theorized, this European civilization was obliterated in a series of violent invasions by the Kurgans, a warrior culture who had developed superior weapons. As social scientist Riane Eisler puts it, the blade-worshipers conquered the chalice-worshipers.

And what I see is that our current androcratic culture is not working. We've watched the Masculine Principle drift further and further from its sacred attributes. Yes, we've developed advanced industry and technology; amazing mobility; improved health, hygiene, and medical technology; powerful weaponry; economic prosperity for a limited number; and wonderful creature comforts. But we've done this at a great cost--the cost of peace, the loss of connection with each other and the meaning of life, the disintegration of families, record levels of depression, despair, divorce, and violence, we're irreparably damaging the Earth. I see so many people that just feel lost and empty.

So, short and simple: Guys, you've had 5,000 years to do things your way and it ain't workin'! Enough is enough. It's time for the Sacred Feminine to bring back peace and help us remember that we all belong to each other. We must respect and heal the Earth or we'll all be annihilated. Don't think that Mother Earth is going to let herself be destroyed--she'll get rid of us before letting that happen! We're already experiencing the alarming, large-scale adjustments she's making to survive!

The return of the Sacred Feminine at this time has been prophesied in many spiritual traditions since the beginning of this current 5,000 year period. And women are awakening to it. Don't you feel the longing to return to a peaceful, collaborative society in which the everyday is imbued with sacredness? Women are gathering together, expressing this longing and exploring new ways of being and doing, new forms of leadership and collaboration. We've been gathering under the radar, getting ready to rise. Getting ready to rise in love, in a whole new alchemy of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine principles. It doesn't have to be one or the other, we can create a divine new powerful combination.

You see, it's not about men vs. women, it's about being governed by Lunar or Sacred Feminine Principles--peace, collaboration, love, compassion, balance, and harmony. It's about awakening who we truly are are as spiritual beings and remembering that we're all part of a grand web of connection. What each of us does affects everyone else, affects our children and grand children, affects the balance of the Earth.

In the book The Feminine Face of God, Sherry Anderson recounts a dream about the Shekhinah in which she goes to a sacred temple and a Torah magically absorbs into her body. Then, suddenly, the room fills with long-bearded patriarchs (Moses, King David, King Solomon, Abraham, etc.) laughing dancing. She asks what it's all about.

Melchizedek answers her, "We are celebrating because you, a woman have consented to accept full spiritual responsibility in your life. This is your initiation as one who will serve the planet...And you are not the only one. Many, many women are coming forward now to lead the way."
"But who will be our teachers?" I protest.
"You will be teachers for each other. You will come together in circles and speak your truth to each other. The time has come for women to accept their spiritual responsibility for our planet."
"Will you help us?" I ask the assembled patriarchs.
"We are your brothers," they answer, and with that the entire room is flooded with an energy of indescribable kindness. I am absolutely confident in this moment that they are our brothers. I feel their love with any question. They say then, "We have initiated you and we give you our wholehearted blessings. But we no longer know the way. Our ways do not work anymore. You women must find a new way."
Are you one of the many called? Are you ready for a journey into the Sacred Feminine?