Let me introduce myself and the purpose of this blog. My name is Beth and my life purpose is to be an agent of the return of the Sacred Feminine. So, here you'll find perspectives on the Sacred Feminine--also called the Feminine Principle, Lunar Principle, or Goddess Tradition--what it is, its role on this planet and everyday life in creating peace, why is it returning, and when was it ever here to begin with!
The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine is in all of us. These terms refer to the highest and most loving form of feminine and masculine attributes. The forms of these attributes that come from the Divine within us. Some refer to them as Solar and Lunar Principles, in an effort to remove any charged gender issues. Typically, with the Sacred Masculine or Solar Principal, we associate linear thinking, physical strength, competition, and aggression (think fight or flight). With the Sacred Feminine, we typically associate relational thinking, intuition, compassion, and collaboration (think tend and befriend). No matter what gender we are, we each have aspects of all of these attributes.
For the past 5,000 years the Masculine Principle, or androcratic culture, has governed this planet. Prior to this time, it is widely-accepted that the Feminine Principle, or goddess-centered culture, governed most of civilization. This matristic civilization valued collaboration, art, beauty, peace, and economic equality. (Minoan Crete is one of the last known examples.) As a result, they developed few weapons. So, as archeologist Marija Gimbutas first theorized, this European civilization was obliterated in a series of violent invasions by the Kurgans, a warrior culture who had developed superior weapons. As social scientist Riane Eisler puts it, the blade-worshipers conquered the chalice-worshipers.
And what I see is that our current androcratic culture is not working. We've watched the Masculine Principle drift further and further from its sacred attributes. Yes, we've developed advanced industry and technology; amazing mobility; improved health, hygiene, and medical technology; powerful weaponry; economic prosperity for a limited number; and wonderful creature comforts. But we've done this at a great cost--the cost of peace, the loss of connection with each other and the meaning of life, the disintegration of families, record levels of depression, despair, divorce, and violence, we're irreparably damaging the Earth. I see so many people that just feel lost and empty.
So, short and simple: Guys, you've had 5,000 years to do things your way and it ain't workin'! Enough is enough. It's time for the Sacred Feminine to bring back peace and help us remember that we all belong to each other. We must respect and heal the Earth or we'll all be annihilated. Don't think that Mother Earth is going to let herself be destroyed--she'll get rid of
us before letting that happen! We're already experiencing the alarming, large-scale adjustments she's making to survive!
The return of the Sacred Feminine at this time has been prophesied in many spiritual traditions since the beginning of this current 5,000 year period. And women are awakening to it. Don't you feel the longing to return to a peaceful, collaborative society in which the everyday is imbued with sacredness? Women are gathering together, expressing this longing and exploring new ways of being and doing, new forms of leadership and collaboration. We've been gathering under the radar, getting ready to rise. Getting ready to rise in love, in a whole new alchemy of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine principles. It doesn't have to be one or the other, we can create a divine new powerful combination.
You see, it's not about men vs. women, it's about being governed by Lunar or Sacred Feminine Principles--peace, collaboration, love, compassion, balance, and harmony. It's about awakening who we truly are are as spiritual beings and remembering that we're all part of a grand web of connection. What each of us does affects everyone else, affects our children and grand children, affects the balance of the Earth.
In the book
The Feminine Face of God, Sherry Anderson recounts a dream about the Shekhinah in which she goes to a sacred temple and a Torah magically absorbs into her body. Then, suddenly, the room fills with long-bearded patriarchs (Moses, King David, King Solomon, Abraham, etc.) laughing dancing. She asks what it's all about.
Melchizedek answers her, "We are celebrating because you, a woman have consented to accept full spiritual responsibility in your life. This is your initiation as one who will serve the planet...And you are not the only one. Many, many women are coming forward now to lead the way."
"But who will be our teachers?" I protest.
"You will be teachers for each other. You will come together in circles and speak your truth to each other. The time has come for women to accept their spiritual responsibility for our planet."
"Will you help us?" I ask the assembled patriarchs.
"We are your brothers," they answer, and with that the entire room is flooded with an energy of indescribable kindness. I am absolutely confident in this moment that they
are our brothers. I feel their love with any question. They say then, "We have initiated you and we give you our wholehearted blessings. But we no longer know the way. Our ways do not work anymore. You women must find a new way."
Are you one of the many called? Are you ready for a journey into the Sacred Feminine?